I don't know that this is a suitable subject but I'd like to speak, in Rachael's absence, on behalf of all MIDI users.
A lot of you, myself in the past, had use of keyboards / synths with programs for automated rhythms and sound patterns. Well, having gone back to the basics of MIDI, there really is a whole new world out there. If we can listen to a piece or, even better, look at a score, there's a hell of a lot more to experience.
I've just completed a 'beginner's' score for O Danny Boy which only had the treble clef so I 'investigated' and found a suitable backing minus any percussion. This, I think, makes me an arranger of sorts, but not an expert. MIDI seems to give a freedom in music which other keyboards can't offer.
Any comments, R.S.V.P.,
Mark & Rachael