Originally posted by zuki:
Very frustrating. I'm taking a leave of absence to get my head on straight.
T2 and nothing else here out......I have a good thing going with Yamaha and I'm wasting valuable time being an idiot.
Zuki, yea, I think you're making the right choice stick with Yamaha. I didn't think you'd like the SD5 only because my understanding is that the OS doesn't make a lot of sense. I have never played an SD5, just going by what a very realible unbiased musician told me. As good as the G70 is I found it rather confusing on the upstart. You may as well stay with what works for you. But you never know until you try other instruments. I have a better understanding why Gary D. has stayed with the PSR3000. Good luck, I bet you can find some priced right Tyros2 out there.