You are bringing two different issues. The first one is about satisfaction and fulfillment in life. Believe it or not, music is not the answer even if you own all instruments and even if you play better than the rest. That is the arena of God and the bible. And you are right. Many times we use addictions to try to fulfill a void that only one can satisfy.
But, concerning the second issue: music, I would like to suggest few things:
1) Visit various music stores for some time and play with various instruments. Do that on a regular basis until you find what you like.
2) Visit some musician friends and try their instruments.
3) Practice Music half an hour a day and then STOP! If it feels like work, make it 20 min a day. Then STOP. If it still feels like work, just do it 15 min a day or even 10 min a day. 10 min a day or even 20? That is not work.
4) When practicing music, do the things that you like. If you get bored, stop.
5) Remember, you always can expand and you always can sell and get a different instrument. You always can upgrade and add.
6) If playing music is not your thing, and if you decided that you will not get an instrument, that is ok. We still consider you part of our community and we still read and appreciate your comments. Do not feel pressured to get something in order to belong. You already belong now.
7) If you decide to do something with music, recording, making sounds, playing music, whatever it is, you do not have to be good at it. The only rule here is that you should have fun.
8) Do not feel shy in taking break from music, or changing your mind, or breaking a commitment you made to certain instrument. Life is tough. Do not make music a burden!!!
God bless you on the first issue and Good luck on the second one.