Originally posted by billh:
let me know if I should include another keyboard. I'm in no rush and may wait until after the Summer NAMM to see what comes out of that show.
Hi Bill,
First let me say that I work for Generalmusic USA. Both instruments you are looking at are quite good. But since you ask for suggestions of other brands, I would like to invite you to take a look at the GEM Genesys Pro. It is a similar instrument to the other two, but does have some unique features that may be of interest.
If you get a spare moment, please visit our website and view the online video demos of the Genesys to get a feel for what this instrument has to offer. By the way, I shot this video using the Genesys Ensemble designed for home use, but the portable version has the exact same features as the Ensemble. Click
HERE to go directly to the Genesys Pro area. The video demo is available in one long (45 minute) streaming video in low and high resolution or below those links the video is broken down in sections so you can focus on the features that interest you without having to watch the entire video in one sitting.
If you have any questions about the Genesys Pro or any of our products, please feel free to contact me here or by dropping me an e-mail (in my profile) or by visiting the GEM Community forums (link below).
Best Regards and happy hunting!
Wm. David McMahan
Nat'l Product and Support Manager
Generalmusic USA
GEM Community Forums