Thought you might like to meet Cilla, my new car. (well not new but new to me!)
Had her a couple of months now and adore her! She is an MX5 but I think you call them Miata's in the USA.
She is called Cilla becasue she is black and I bought her from Liverpool. Not sure if anyone outside the UK will get that but Cilla Black is a famous Lady (from Liverpool) over here. She used to hang with the Beatles and had quite a few hits of her own. She does TV presenting work now. (well I thought the pun funny!)
The pics are not the best but I got a new digital cam for Christmas so I may take some decent ones now.
Well here she is......
You can't fit ANYTHING in the boot let alone a Tyros so she is not at all practical but I still LOve her
best wishes
[This message has been edited by Tony W (edited 01-11-2005).]
[This message has been edited by Tony W (edited 01-11-2005).]