#80161 - 03/29/05 10:45 PM
Re: Assaulted and Fed up with New York!!!
Registered: 12/11/04
Posts: 1374
Loc: Cozumel Mexico
Originally posted by tony mads usa: kbrkr .... just look around ... tv shows, commercials, video games, ALL include subtle to outright 'in your face' disrespect for other people and/or their possesions ... As a society we literally teach a lack of respect for anyone including parents, teachers, peace officers, etc., etc., etc. ..... beginning with small children, we desensitize humanity to the point that no one or no thing means anything of importance ... t.  Bravo Tony...excellent analyses...there is no respect for authority...do we blame the teachers or the parents??? How about we start to blame the CENSERS maybe they will start to do the job of blocking all of the crap that slops up the airways and corrupts the morals of our youth today more than it did 25-50 years ago...I seem to remember that when I was young, respect was everything along with your word of honor....what ever happened to those days of yesteryear...
#80164 - 03/31/05 12:09 PM
Re: Assaulted and Fed up with New York!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 10/08/00
Posts: 4715
Loc: West Virginia
I know I'm one of the younger members, but when I was a child growing up (respect) was a big issue. You didn't back talk your parents, curse someone out on the streets ect. Even as I've gotten older I've seen respect go down the crapper. The whole world just got itself in a damn hurry, and no one has time for anything anymore. Both parents are now working because they BOTH want careers and kids are being left to be raised by sitters, daycare, ect.
I find that many homes today lack discipline. I strongly believe that children today are about 95% a product of their environment. Hows a child to grow up acting right, when the children are being raised by kids themselves.
Society has just gone down hill and fast too. It's a completely me, me, me attitude now. Parents don't want to accept responsibility for their kids anymore. Here's a good example of where I live. I live in a really nice condo complex, but damn the lack of respect these kids have here is mind blowing. I got cursed out by a 12 year old (using language even I wouldn't use) just because I told him to get off my car. The little punk was sitting on the hood of my car talking to his friends who were also all over my car. The kids are terrible! They just don't have any respect for anyone anymore. You call their parents and they tell you to go to hell, or they curse you out too just because you said something to their child to begin with (even if their child is wrong). Just yesterday my wife was on the playground with my daughter and there was a 4 years old child out there with no supervison. The oldest child out there was 6 years old, and not ONE parent in site. Again the kids are left to raise eachother today.
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.
#80165 - 03/31/05 12:40 PM
Re: Assaulted and Fed up with New York!!!
Senior Member
Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
"Bad news makes good copy"...1000 safe plane landings don't make the news, but one incident does....sensational television about crooks, prostitutes, and sitcoms starring people who play pretty pathetic characters (think the entire cast of Sinefeld)make people process information and view life as it is presented in the media.
"Feel good" television and movies don't do as well over time as disaster films, police dramas, etc. Even comedic entertainment presents "slice of life" situations that most people would never encounter...(paranoia, pettiness, dishonesty, etc).
The ability to do graphics which are extremely realistic, bbut not likely also present sensational situations which are entertaining, but don't really represent the way things are in real life.
There are some really interesting content analysis studies which track the use of language and incidents and compare the ratio to what happens in real life...it's scary.
200 plus channels constitute a massive amount of entertainment which skues attitudes and perceptions.In a sense, we are becoming what we watch.
Increasingly, the challenge is to separate entertainment from reality.