Hi Guys, this is my first post here, so I'n new to the forum, although I'm old as dirt.
I've been doing strictly paino/organ gigs for many years, but I've recently started playing with a project where I am going to need a ton of orchestral sounds. I need both good solo instruments as well as some good live orchestra and string ensemble sounds. I'd rather do it in a few more boards than with a stand-alone unit as I need too many changes within one song for my feeble mind and fading eyesite to have to deal with too many changes.
As it stands, I have a Kurzweil PC1x, a Roland VK8, a Roland XP60 and an old 01/W Korg. I have the Kurx setups programmed about as deep as I can practically go. I'm not real fond of the XP60 sounds. I really like some of the 01/W patches, but it's getting old and reliability will become an issue.
Any ideas?