A young man enters a pharmacy, and asks the middle aged lady behind the counter,
"Can I talk to the pharmacist please?"
"Go ahead" she says, "I am the pharmacist"
The guy hesitates for a moment, and says "..errm no, thanks, I think I'll better go"
The woman says "Wait, you can talk to me, we see and hear all sorts of things every day, come on, don't be shy"
"Ok" says the guy, "I have this problem, whenever it gets up (you know what) it stays up for hours on end, no matter what I do...can you give me something for that?"
The woman disappears in the back of the shop and returns 5 minutes later.
"I had to talk about it with my sister" she says, "we can give you $2000 in cash and one third of the pharmacy, is that enough?"