It was late afternoon when the local sheriff spotted a blond-haired man walking down main street in Tyler, Texax wearing nothing more than a pair of boots and cowboy hat.
"Hold on your fella! Where do you think you're going dressed like that?"
"I'm headed for town Sherrif." he replied.
"What happened to your clothes?" asked the smiling lawman.
"Well sherrif, I was over in that barroom acros the street and a good lookin' redhead sat down along side me. We got to drinkin' and messin' around, and the next thing you know she's invitin' me next door to her trailer.
When we got inside the trailer she took off her blouse and told me to take off my shirt. Then she took off her bra and told me to take off my undershirt, and I did what she asked. Then she slipped off her jeans and told me to take mine off too. Next, she slipped out of her panties and told me to do the same, so I did. Then she hopped on the bed and said "Go to town Cowboy!" Well, here I am!