Hi Ed,
So you are going to go with a .com synth then huh? I was right wasn't I about how good these synths are?
The QSS44 has a larger cabinet but it costs $4,000.00. I just want you too know that. But go with what morbius said. He told me the same thing, but it's easier for me too come up with $2,699.00 then $4,000.00. What you could do is buy the QSS44 and then buy a QSS22 and place it on top of the 44 then you would have a modular synth similar to the old Moog Modulars.
Have you considered redesigning your studio? Too help you in accomadateing your Modular synth and minimoog.
You could place it in your dining or living room he he. J/K
I have a large deask to accomodate the QSS22.