Originally posted by 3351:
Are you trying to make the piece sound moody?
Well, the picture I've formed in my mind describes a big spaceship with 50 million colonists which is docking at the space station of
Planet Outpost. This will be the last chance for those who would prefer stay in human's knowing areas instead of traveling to the stars.
The colonists spaceship will stay for a month to exchange some goods and passengers. It's a situation of unsureness for many people who have to dicide it for themselves. So, the song will change between different feelings - from happiness via unsureness to desperation. But the problem is that all have to come to a point of calm and sureness. Then the next song
Oxygen will start...
Originally posted by 3351:
Just an idea.
Well, I have sequenced the accoustic guitar. That spares a lot of trouble to me because it isn't easy for me to make accoustic recordings in my home while my neighbours are handling in their kitchens and in the staircase...

For my electric guitar part I've dicided to do a thing that I'd thought about so many times - I'm sampling my Gibson via POD as a heavy rhythm guitar. The first 6 tunes (from E to A) are made and really good. I'm using the alternate switch to change the start position in the sample. This provides me a bigger range for exertion.
I've actually included the new sound and it works...it brings the depth into the pipe organ's dark atmosphere. Now I only need the crossover to the lazy end-part. And therefore I have to go from E moll via F# moll to A moll. This harmony will flow into A dur (a special from my idol Uriah Heep). The circle will be closed now and I'll have reached the start-part again...
Originally posted by 3351:
I find that an acoustic has some really rich qualities that an electric lacks...
Yes, you can play it very sensible, even more sensible as you can do with a real piano (all piano players should know what this means). But for this you'll need much space to hear the fine and soft tunes of an accoustic guitar. It seems like petting the strings with tenderly fingers...wow, there's so much erotic in it...

...I think I will go now and pet one of my four wifes...
Originally posted by 3351:
...an electric as we know it and love it for it's heavy rich metallic distortion leads etc does eat up a lot of space in the mix and covers up a lot of harmonics that are easy to notice otherwise.
Yes, that's the reason why I murdered my Malmsteen/Satriani solo part for the deep ground...
Maybe I should take a special mix from this song - a special heavy mix!!!

It were a pity to forget this solo part because it made fun to play. I took so many guitar parts to the background in other songs because I don't want to sound like a guitar hero only. I want to make good music and the guitar is really not the only good instrument on earth...but for rock music? I think there's no better choice than the guitar...
Originally posted by 3351:
THe acoustic sound as you know is rather transparent and easy. It could work even better than a clean electric sound although a clean electric needs some heavy FX to get noticed in the mix.
Yep! It's the matter of the pick-ups that are not so sensible like the accoustical sound creation in the point of transparence. On the other side the pick-ups collect some noise and an amplification system can make a pick-up much more sensible. Sometimes this hurts in my head...
Originally posted by 3351:
Okay, now I'm getting into really deep stuff...
Comm'on! Give it to me!!!
Originally posted by 3351:
I guess you do whatever works.
Yes! But this song is really a hard nut for me!
Originally posted by 3351:
Me? I've decided to go for the new Access Virus TI. With some 64 wavetables it is worth every penny.
Hmm, I'm a little bit sensible against the word 'Virus' in the product name... [img]
Originally posted by 3351:
Now, I think that the grand and the Mac can wait.
Don't wait to long, my friend! Every second in life is worth!!! [img]
Imagine, a real grand!!! There's no better way of playing the keys...okay, maybe a church's great pipe organ... [img]