A Microkorg is an analog modeling synth not really intended for drums and definitely not intended for any real multitimbral use. It's a lot of fun as it is basically an ideal synth for newbs as it does a lot of fun sounds and allows you to learn a thing or two about synth programming.
If it is drums and perhaps different types of acoustic sounds you are after then you should really look at ROM players like the ROland Juno D type workstations. They do a bit of everything in terms of sound and are specifically designed for multitimbral use.
Instead of listening to people's opinions just go to the store and see what's available. Talk to one of the sales guys, let them know what your budget is like and let them know what you are looking for in terms of sound. May be visit several stores. That way you'll get to play a lot of synths and explore as many different options as possible. Only then you wil have some idea of what you want.
*Multitimbral = You can play multiple sounds on multiple parts at the same time. For example part 1 playes bass, part 2 playes strings, part 3 playes drums etc etc etc
[This message has been edited by 3351 (edited 05-15-2007).]
A gentleman is one who never hurts anyone's feelings unintentionally.
- - - Oscar Wilde