I noticed on that site that you can get the 'Pennywhistle notation' for the song ...
Reminds me of a time with the band in NYC when we added the tune "One of Those Songs" which had actually been made popular by Jimmy Durante at the time ... Our alto sax player, who took great pride in his craft (and had the closest sound to the great, late Paul Desmond I've ever heard) decided it would be good to play the tune on the pennywhistle. ... We played a gig in NJ one night and after playing that tune a guy came up to the sax player and congratulated him on his great pennywhistle playing ... As we were leaving the place, the sax player hurled the pennywhistle as far into the night as he could ... we asked why he did that and he said "... I've worked so hard developing my sax playing, and nobody says anything ... I take 15 minutes to learn a song on a damned pennywhistle and people think it's great ... well, they aren't going to hear it any more ..." Needless to say, the song was no longer in our 'book' ...
[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 02-14-2005).]