Alright Calm down, I am not really dead! I just got tired of my old nicname. So the only way I could use my new nicname was to register again. Which is now analogcontrolfreak. Which I will be using from now on. I have sent an email to Nigel asking that he delete my old memebrship status. Also I had to use my alternate email address in order to register, since my current email is still on file. Now that I have done this I am back to Junior Member ship status instead of Member.
Why the sudden chnage in names you might ask? Well I am going to tell you. You are prorbabbly wondering how on earth did I come up with this name. Easy it just poped into my head when I first regeisterd on Yahoo! I left Yahoo becuse I thought a group had left. Little did I know that I could not use my same nic name to set up a new account. So over there I am analogsynthfan.
Besides geeting sick of my old nicname, I started to get sick of my own behavior on here. But that is all going to change, besides I need to ligten up on here.
Here is a bit of inforamtion for any new memebers, or memebers that I do not know.
I am 34 years old, I work at a private Reception Facility that spelcializes in Weddings, Meetings and Parties. I live in Frederick Maryland and own my own Condo. I have lived here for 3 years this comming June. I am a huge fan of synthesizers especially analog synthesizers hence the nicname.
Over the years I have been through my share of keyboards. Thriteen at the last count. I have a tendency to buy and sell them. Okay call it an Obsseion
My cureent synth is a Roland Juno-D, whcich I purchased last month. Of course it is not an analog synth. That was the old me who bought it. The new me would obviously have bought an analog synth. Woops!
I seem to have gone off on a tangent. Now where was I? oh yes now I remember I was talking about me. Now I never consider myself to be a great musican, but a fair ameture one at best. Actually I have more fun just messing around with synths.
I also have three synth based websites.
Synth-freak2.00 is my main site.
Paul's Poly-61 page is for the Korg Poly-61.
ARP Fan Club is for fans of ARP synths. Stop by and check them out.
Well enough about me. You talk about me for a while.
Ha ha! Just kidding!
Anyway I tend to get silly or weird don't worry that just who I am.
Remeber if it ain't broke your not trying hard enough!
The handyman's secret weapon is Duct Tape!
I'm pulling for you. Were all in this together.
We can't help it were Men.
Quotes From Red Green.