Hey guys I wanted to know if anyone else is getting fed up with this as much as I am, and if anyone has taken steps to control it personally.
I'm sure we all share the common hatred for "jumk mail" and "spam" that we get in our email inboxes. Of course we know that we get this crap for several reasons--the worst part is that our own service providers are selling and pimping our personal information out.
Well here's another problem that's "greatly increasing". Junk Mail in our own private personal mail boxes delivered by the postal service. I HATE it with a passion. I know every Tuesday and every Friday, my mail box will be "overflowing" with stupid flyers, and other junk wanting me to buy this, support that, blah blah blah!
I duked it out with a local company to make their junk stop--and it WORKED. I got sick of getting flyers for these people because it was something I'd NEVER spend my money on. They didn't get my address from me, they use the "public phone book" or name lists they "bought" from another company.
Well I called them and simply said "Take my name and address OFF of your mailing list". The woman "with an attitude said this "Sir, we are protected by the "freedom of speech". Folks what I said next just may help all of us in stopping this crap!
I told the woman--"You're right, but your freedom of speech does have limitations and restrictions". I said your freedom of speech "protects" you in PUBLIC FORUM, and that your freedom of speech does not extend to the personal and private property of homeowners. I told her my mailbox is on "private property", and it is MY right as a private homeowner to deny their business access to my property be it in physical form or through soliciting advertisements.
I also said my mailbox isn't owned by the postal service. I bought the mail box, I placed it on my home, I own that mailbox, it belongs to me--and that it would be different if I were talking about a PO box because that's Federal property and I don't own the box--just renting it. She didn't know what to say....
She said "sir let me get you a supervisor".
I told him the EXACT same thing! He was dumbfounded--left speechless, had nothing to say. I told him feel free to contact your attorney to see if I'm wrong. I then told him you'll hear from "my" attorney if I continue to get your solicitations in my mailbox because you're violating MY rights by ignoring my request since I am the property owner, and his freedom of speech does not protect him on my property.
Simply put, if you wake up in the morning and find a "hate group" protesting on your lawn and you tell them to leave--only to find that one says "Freedom of Speech" you can have EVERYONE of them arrested because they're right to free speech doesn't protect them on private property
Maybe I'm hitting on some new law suits here. I think I'm going to call an attorney and check this out further. Sure the internets protectec because we don't own the servers, but rather rent their virtual space, but the home's we live in "deeded to us" are a physical entity.