WELL...go get 'em! As soon as you can, send me details of the products you rep. While my experience is mainly with rep organizations and manufacturers in the retail hardware industry, I may be able to give you some leads on new firms to rep and potential customers, once I understand what you're doing.

We're currently doing work for companies selling to Lowe's, Home Depot, Do It Best
and other retailers, but we are starting to work with a company that sells a powder/soap for cleaning up oil spills. Currently, it is selling to cities for street cleaning of oil spills.

I also am working with a group called REpNet. This is an organization of associated sales agencies who rep products for each other in their geographies. Robb Gillian is the developer of the REpNet concept, and manufacturers from South America
Israel,Italy are currently using their services. I you'd like to talk about this, give me a call, or email me. I'll be glad to put you in contact with Gillion.

