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#85506 - 05/15/06 03:12 PM My Ebay account was Hijacked
analogcontrolfreak Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
Okay, I have one for you all. This past Sunday morning, I got two emails from Ebay. One stated that my account was temporarily suspended, and the second one told me, someone had accessed my account, without my knowledge, and had set up an auction for a Suzuki. Fortunealty for me, ebay discovered what had happened, and stopped the auction. Also they had to suspend my account. So in order to access my account, I had to go to ebay, and put in a brand new password, as well as change my email address. Then I contacted ebay via their live chat, and was able to have my account restored. They are not sure how this person got a hold of my account, but from what I found out, someone found my last email address, and figured out my password. I probably could have prevented this from happening, if I had changed my password, or made it a lot more difficult to figure out. However, the seller did NOT, get access to my credit card, which ebay encrypts and keeps on a separate server/system. I will not be accountable, for any fees that are not mine. The will credit my card, so I will not have to worry about this.

On top off all this, my Antivirus software was out of date, and some one, possibly the forged seller, was trying to see if he could get my credit card information, off of my computer. Fortunately for me I do not have any personal information on my computer like credit cards or SS numbers. Mostly just one of my web sites, and some games and Microsoft Office. I’m crazy, not stupid. However I did learn a valuable lesson form all this. 1: Make all of my passwords 10 characters long, and use a series of letters and numbers, and change it periodically. 2: Make sure my anti virus software is up to date. 3: Make sure I have no personal information on my computer. And finally make sure not to open any, suspicious emails in my junk file folder, UNLESS I know where the email came from. Fortunately for me I have two separate emails and I have Junk mail folders for both. I am also thankful to ebay, for preventing anything more serious happen to me. Such as, having my Identity stolen.

Even though this happened, I am still an ardent user of ebay, and will not let this little incident stop me from using ebay.

#85507 - 05/15/06 03:17 PM Re: My Ebay account was Hijacked
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Be Careful...the notices you received are bogus...I get them all the time...ignore them..

If I were you ..go on Ebay and thru your normal channel[not replying to a bogus email] and make sure everything is kosher[legit].

#85508 - 05/15/06 03:25 PM Re: My Ebay account was Hijacked
analogcontrolfreak Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
The emails I got were legitamit, from ebay. Any spoof or fake emails, are always placed in my junk file folder automatically, by my email server. Whcih distinguishes fakes from the real thing.

Also when I talked to the eaby agent he knew what had happend, and aske if I was selling a Suzuki? Of course I said no.

Also I have an eamil folder directly on ebay, to alert me as well. The fake emails want you to update your account. Ebay never does this. So I had two emails from ebay in my personal email box, and the one on my ebay page.

[This message has been edited by analogcontrolfreak (edited 05-15-2006).]

[This message has been edited by analogcontrolfreak (edited 05-15-2006).]

#85509 - 05/15/06 09:23 PM Re: My Ebay account was Hijacked
DonM Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
I bid on a Tyros 2 last week. I didn't win. However I have received SEVENTEEN second-chance offers, none of them legitimate of course.
There was also a bogus site selling T2s for $1,000 a pop. I told the guy to send me ten of them C.O.D.!

#85510 - 05/16/06 03:23 AM Re: My Ebay account was Hijacked
analogcontrolfreak Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/16/03
Posts: 1531
A T2 for $1,000.00? RIIIIIGGGHHHTTT!

#85511 - 05/16/06 10:29 AM Re: My Ebay account was Hijacked
Fran Carango Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
Don, I bought one of those Tyros2 for a grand...but I traded a guy in a limo for a MidJay and Edirol controller.

#85512 - 05/16/06 10:47 AM Re: My Ebay account was Hijacked
DonM Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/25/99
Posts: 16735
Loc: Benton, LA, USA
Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Don, I bought one of those Tyros2 for a grand...but I traded a guy in a limo for a MidJay and Edirol controller.

Shrewd trade, Fran!


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