I'm not using any email system on my Risc PC because I don't know how these programs are working. I'm really wondering that the browser I'm using is stabil enough to cooperate with the SynthZone.
This OS has no security options! So, they can't often interact with other network systems like servers. I hate those security rules because they are doing a really bad job...

Well, I played a game on my Windows system and...*plop*...suddenly the sreen was black and all lights on and in the computer has gone off. I think it is the power supply (a 400 watt supply!!!). It was only one and a half year old and...*snip*...it died!
I'm just thinking about stop working with any PC. I hate this hardware because it's soooo ensufficient. I don't know any other computer in such a bad shape. They all wanna make money...that's all!!! But if they want to do so then they should make a better job. I think today's engineers have no answers anymore - they are stupid people!!!

At least I've sent you an email about my last gig. I didn't receive any answer by you before my PC crashed. Well, on next saturday I'm gigging again but this time maybe in front of 2,000 people!!! It's gigantic!!!

I've organized a bassman for the RAZZELBANDE because their own bassman has no time on the next weekend. The new bassman plays bass since 25 years and he's a real professional!!!
Oh, by the way, working with midi-files or wave-files isn't possible at the moment, because I need my PC for working in my studio. It's my "tape recorder" and my POD controller!!! I really hate that PC world!!!
I'm not able to solve this problem before the next month because I have no money for that thing at the time...
[This message has been edited by Sheriff (edited 08-19-2005).]