My mother is elderly. I don't know how much she spends on prescription drugs but it's too much. She's incredibly healthy but does take some things. Whatever the doc says. The doc is God to her.
He just told her she has elevated triglycerides now, so he put her on something. Did he mention ONE WORD about what she could do with diet? Nope. I told her I bet she could likely totally solve the problem with diet mods, mainly reduce sugar. (That's her downfall, a sweet tooth.)
Anyway, just wondering if there is anything anyone has found (USA) to reduce drug costs. If there is any kind of drug discount card she could get. That actually works.
Buy generic, I would recommend that to her.
She's also loyal to a local pharmacist and I'd bet she could save by buying elsewhere. Depends on how much she could save. I mean, yeah, he's a nice guy but we're talking about a woman on a very limited income. And all he does is fill the prescription, it's not like he gives her advice she couldn't get from any pharmacist. The doc is the one who is God.
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