Bebop, Sheriff, Tony, Pauline, Denny, Mike, Shboom, Graham, Captain Russ, Tom, and Rice. Many thanks to all of you for your interest & concern.
Yep, the flu monster hit me pretty bad as I've been flat out of commission for nearly a week now. This is the first year in recent memory that I didn't get a flu shot (because of the nationwide vacine shortage earlier in the season which retricted flu shots only to the elderly and those with severely compromised immune systems. I hadn't had the flu since I was in college so I had forgotten what a pain in the a@s it really is. After nearly a week of fever, body aches, sinus congestion (larinygitis) & cough, and overall weakness, only now begining to feel I'm finally on the road back to recovery. Regretably this meant having to cancel for the last week, ALL of my gig engagements, of which most disapoointedly included having to cancel my much anticipated 3rd year annual concert show performance for the Central Coast Organ Club in Avila Beach, CA of which include hanging out with a number of Synthzone members friends in attendance. To prevent a flu relapse, I'm not planning to go back to work till at least later this week. I only hope I can recover from the laringytis soon. Been using a portable steam inhaler 3x a day. Unfortunately most of us freelance working musicians have no sick leave insurance benefits. No play, no pay in this biz.
Originally posted by captain Russ:
Scott...get some antibiotics as soon as possible! Russ
Thanks for the advice. I see the doc tomorrow (Tuesday) so will have to see what he says. In the meantime, at the onsett he prescribed a anti-virus medication called "Tamiflu" which supposedly helps to reduce the length of the illness if taken within 48 hours of flu symptoms. Not sure if it made any difference or not yet as I've had the flu for a week now, and just now starting to few better, but then again if others had the flu for THREE
weeks, perhaps "Tamiflu" may be actually helping to reduce the suffering time. I'll let you know. Anyone else here ever taken "Tamiflu" before?
Shboom, if nothing else, experiencing the flu at the same time as you, I can perhaps more fully sympathize with the aches & pains you're going thru right now. I trust that we'll both be feeling better soon. btw: curious if the flu affected your vocal cords (laryngitis, cough, congestion?) like it did mine?
Thanks again for everyone's support & concern. I promise to be back posting here more often again soon.