It could be a bad power supply. I had a similar problem. I should say the exact opposite.
When Nova was powered off its outputs would produce a lot of noise and hum. The fix was easy. Just turn it on and play it.
But I had its power supply swapped for a new one anyway. Just in case. Had no noise problems since.
Depending on where you bought it from you may or may not be able to get a brand new spare for your power supply of course.
Otherwise you could try stuff like cheaters and so on just to see if it is the ground loop or not. Although ground loop would affect everything that's hooked up to your mixer. Everything with its own power supply.
A DA might help too but if its just a bit of noise don't worry about it too much. I have quite a bit of hum and cliks on the output of my Motif ES8 when I connect it to my Mac via USB. I live with it. It's not noticeable at all (unless the volume is cranked up to the point where the speakers would fry).