BTW: The DisCover5 series is the most overlooked product on the market..The features it offers are still unsurpassed in today's market..How the unit handles SMF's with quick edits..Covers , markers, etc... and a great storage means too..The harmonizer is the same great one found on the G70...
You can also use it as a drum machine with dedicated markers for different sections..
If you work with other can assign auto key recognition for that singer's range..
This module was around $2,000..the keyboard model $2,300....They didn't sell well because of poor marketing and sales people with poor smarts...{What else is new}...

So when you add up all the pluses..and consider the original cost....$650 is not out of line in the pricing....If it were for sale..

The DisCover 5 line is also next to impossible to find..I have been looking for the DisCover5m for a few years...Thanks to Cass for locating one..