An 85 year old guy visits his doctor for a check-up. The doctor performs the necessary tests then sits him down for a chat:
- "Well, tell me how do you feel?".
- "I feel fine," the old man assures him, "never felt better, in fact, let me tell you, I have a beautiful 25 year old girlfriend and guess what, she is pregnant, and carries my child!"
- "Hmmm, let me tell you a story", says the doctor,... "I once had a friend, an experienced hunter, who, one morning went hunting, but mistakenly took a long umbrella with him instead of his gun. Well, as he was walking in a forest, suddenly a giant 800 pound bear appeared in front of him. He raised his umbrella and aimed, and guess what, the bear fell dead".
- "What is this nonsense", the old man blurted, "there surely was someone else who pulled a trigger".
- "Yes", the doctor replied, "that's what I've been trying to tell you..."