I had one of those Dawn systems long ago, and while the satellites have been improved, I doubt that they sound much different from the old design. It was pretty good in the bass range, but the coverage was weak due to top facing piezo tweeters. It was OK, but nothing more back then. I haven't heard the new one.
Speaking of NEW ones ......
Ta Da !!!!!
I'm Bosin' it again folks, after almost 20 years away. I had a pair of the old 800's back in the day,and they were enhanced by a dedicated sub and add-on tweeters. Powerful and punchy for vocals. Back then, that's ALL we put in the PA.....and a teeny tiny bit of bass drum.
I had the L1 out tonight with my kn7k and a live, singing drummer. I bought the model with ONE sub. I figure I can add on to it if I need it later. The sound was stellar.

Really, really crisp and omnipresent all around the room. There were virtually NO dropouts anywhere! Amazing coverage, and NO louder or dead spots. It was smooth and even all over the place. Howdeydoodat?
I use a submixer that feeds the internal speakers of my kb and then send a stereo signal to the inputs in the Bose. (I also used my DriveRackPA because it's in the rack)The remote control has vol/bass/mid/treble and main for 2 of the 4 channels. The remaining 2 channels are direct to the pedestal. This wound be a great place to add a mixer in a more conventional setup, and save the #1 and #2 inputs for mics or guitars. Those 2 inputs have effects inserts, phantom power and preset EQ models for TONS of mics, guitars, setups etc....... very cool indeed.
So, how'd it sound?
In a word .......... AWESOME.
A fellow musician came in for the last set and his jaw dropped when he saw it. The look is WAY cool, and the sound is just EVERYWHERE. The bass was perfect for the room I was in, but I suspect that a wedding or larger dance would necessitate a second woofer. (It's designed to power 2, in addition to the tops)
BTW - it's 750+ watts!
The clarity was the best part. We set up very close to the bar in this room, and people are right in our laps. No one was bothered by the sound or volume. It's almost as if it were reflective sound. It doesn't hit you in the face like a conventional design does, but somehow - it covers a wider area. Strange phenomenon, but it's true.
The cases that it comes with are very well made and attractive. It's no sweat to carry the 2 piece pole set in one hand, and the base unit(pedestal) in the other. It's light, thin and all packs up behind the rear seat of my Windstar with the kb, stand and Laptop ..... and STILL doesn't block my view over the rear seat. I have room for 7 people in the van, and all my gear at the same time! It's a thing of beauty.
Will it work for everyone? Hmmmmmmmm, probably not. Some may want to feel that air rushing at 'em more than it does, and some will want a more booming bass, but for smooth, balanced, full sound - I was very impressed. Tomorrow night's job is more demanding and I am a soloist again, so I can give it a better test drive, but I fully expect to LOVE it.
This all came about because I was trying to trade my psr2100 back to GC. I hated it so much that I was willing to spend almost anything to make them want to take it back. Bose - Big Bucks - BINGO ! We have a deal !
It's really gonna be a good test tomorrow because the room is crowded, noisy and loooooong. If it can cover THIS place, then it's a keeper. I just LOVE the sleek, modern design too. It stands about 7 ft tall, so there's no need for speaker stands. All the wiring is internal too. One A/C plug. One connection to the woofer and the input cables from my kb. That's IT ! no scraggly wire mess .... no spagetti piles on the fllor. Just neat, clean and powerful. Saturday I'm doing a dance, so I'll be able to test out the bas in a louder setting. I can't wait.
I'll check in with you again on Sunday after the E*A*G*L*E*S win the NFC championship gane !

Whooo Hooo ....

what a RIDE this is !

See ya !