I have the PA80 and one of the few things I don't like about the board is the acoustic piano voice. I have listened to it in recordings I' had done and it just doesn't work for me. I know other PA80 players who also don't care for the piano.
Over at the Irish Acts message forum there are downloads available that include new piano voices. These I believe, still use the original sample though, so no guarantee on whether they are an improvement, but there are also discussions at the site pertaining to piano samples and Korg .kmp files ( samples ) which may help you in the quest for a better piano sound for the PA80. I'm not certain whether you will find what you want there, but its a good forum with a lot of PA80 goodies available for download, so it's certainly worth a look. I didn't follow the sample discussions very closely since I also have and use the Yamaha Motif for piano voicings. It has an excellent piano sample.
You can access the PA80 forum and downloads at
http://www.irishacts.com/forum/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=pa80 .