That's very true George, never judge a book, or shall I say a "keyboard" by its cover, ie., sub quality sound files on the internet:-). You would think GeneralMusic would at least put some decent demo sounds on their web site which would help promote their product better. Since you have heard the Genesys firsthand I will trust your opinion. But to those who haven't heard it in person would probably shy away from it after listening to those poor quality sound bites on their site. The Tyros demos were so much better that they actually got me excited right from the get go. Seems Yamaha knows how to promote their products "marketing" much better to the public, by the fact they make sure what people hear of their keyboards will tantalize not only their ears but their pocketbooks, notwithstanding that they are also the #1 maker and seller of pianos and keyboards. It seems the Genesys will be out of reach to all but those with deep pockets if the selling price is any where near the retail price. It has a lot of nice features but give me a break, $4,500? And not even 128 polyphony:-( But as my grandmother always said the proof is in the puddin', so I will have to see and hear the Genesys for myself and then decide.