I have a friend that bought a Vidio Tuner board and installed it in his PC. It has the sharpest tv pictures you'd ever wan't to look at. Any KB that has an output for vidio
would work! And I would belive it would be better than an ordinary TV. The monitor has a much finer resolotion!

I do know a little about TV's, I repaired them for about 17 years. Till I became disabeled, about 11 years ago!
Guillermo, I do not own a 9000 or 9000pro
the best I can do is a 2000.
But I do believe it will work!
All the best,

PS: By the way I'm not really a nerd either!
So I might not qualify!

[This message has been edited by Nobby (edited 03-30-2002).]