Here is what is important to know about the difference between the SD1 and the SD1plus. In the SD1plus, Ketron added a chip to the main board which increases the flash memory for the proprietary Ketron sound files from 8 MB to about 12MB. This was done to accommodate the new samples used in Piano100 and Piano200 which have more memory for a more natural sound. Although you can load these sounds into a SD1, you will be missing some of the samples because the SD1 only allows 8MB of sounds to be loaded.
It's just like when Ketron came out with new styles for the XD series and musicians tried to load these into their SD1's, not all styles sounded as good because there were different loops and voices in the XD9. For this reason, Ketron has come out with a library of styles just for the SD1 and they utilize the SD1 loops and sounds. If you tried these in an XD9, they wouldn't sound as good.
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene
Reseda, California
George Kaye
Kaye's Music Scene (Closed after 51 years)
West Hills, California
(Retired 2021)