Hey guys-
Happy to report I ordered a Yamaha PSR3000 today from George Kaye. The 3000 will serve as a backup board to my Tyros. Once I started gigging with an arranger, especially one of the caliber of a Tyros, I was hooked. Its had a very positive impact on my business since I started using it...(Easily, a 25% increase in sales.)
I was always fearful what would I have done if the Tyros broke down. I had a nice Yamaha P200 Digital Piano, but that's not even close to the same kind of presentation I do with the Tyros.
The PSR3000, in time, will be a wonderful backup board for me. I can really improve my set up time for very, very small gigs and also rehearsal time. Now one can stay set up in my work area and one can stay ready for the road.
As always, George is great to work with and someone I'd join many others in recommending. Purchases like these aren't done on a whim, but his knowledge and helpfulness makes it a no brainer in my book. Always has an answer, and if not-he tracks one down for you. He returns emails, phone calls, etc. All in all a very positive experience.
I'll thank all the PSR3000 experts in advance for the questions that I'll be asking in advance, lol.
I feel very, very secure now having a back-up arranger the caliber of a psr3000. One MAJOR worry that can be checked off the list.

Have a terrific weekend everyone!
Bill in Dayton