Originally posted by rikkisbears:
Thanks Steve & George, sounds like someone has mishandled the faulty ones prior to the owners receiving them, rather than any manufacturing problems etc.
Makes me feel way more confident.
best wishes
That was only conjecture on Steve Deming's part although it may have indeed happened.
Steve is saying to go ahead and buy with confidence but I can understand why some people may be hesitant to do so. I myself can't think another recent arranger product by Yamaha that has had this many issues this quickly. Most places do have a 30 day return/exchange policy so if you don't mind the possible hassle and loss of time with boxing back up a bad one and either shipping it back for a refund or replacement or driving to the location you purchased it from to do likewise then go ahead and buy with confidence.

When the S500/700/900 first came out and I was able to demo them in person that was one of the first points I made about them was they looked and felt kind of shoddy in workmanship and materials compared to the PSR 3000, or the PSR 2000 for that matter. Mind you, that's an observation on the outside of the keyboard but if the outside happens to be suspect (at least that's what I thought from my initial observation anyway) then something may be going on with the innards too. Kind of like where there's smoke there's ...

God forbid, right?

And it's interesting if they are made in China because China has for the last year or so experienced massive quality control issues on manufactured products. Could that be where the real problem lies? Instead of that bonehead in Yammie's warehouse?
Although for Yamaha's sake I hope that it is only relegated to a small internal issue that is of limited scope.
You're rolling the dice somewhat but I would estimate that 9 times out of 10 or better you're going to come out a winner. And those are fantastic odds really. Although I myself am personally not a gambling man the analogy is still a valid one in my opinion. So all things considered I am with Steve on this one. Go ahead and buy with confidence.

>> Be advised though that I am in no way liable if after taking my advice someone happens to get stuck with a lemon.

But with all things considered the chances of that happening are very slim in my opinion.

And if there is something bigger going on then Yamaha will waste no time in getting to the bottom of it and rectifying it asap. You can count on that. Their name is at stake and they don't want any kind of black eye out of this that's for sure. Nuf said..