Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
I just had this sent to me ..... (redundant??)
Not redundant, UD, just not appropriate. Many of your previous posts convey your disaffection with Mr. Clinton, just as many other members have expressed a totally opposite view. Clinton is no longer a president, he is old news, and only people who want to distract attention from the current troubles (of which there are many), would keep regurgitating Clinton's misdeeds. The only purpose your post would serve is to promote the acrimonious debate between the members of this otherwise harmonious forum.
I think that we will do everyone a favor if we try to focus our discussions on our music, technique, gear, etc., - all of the areas where we all respect UD's opinions.
As an alternative, we should ask Nigel to make sure that each post containing Clinton jokes would contain the same number of Bush jokes (like NPR), and delete all other posts as biased.