#93701 - 11/06/02 11:40 PM
Re: VOTE: Which Yamaha Arranger Piano Sounds BEST?
Senior Member
Registered: 12/01/99
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Evaluating the piano samples thru a pair of Sony studio headphones, I feel the Tyros, though lacking the extra deep rich bass of the 9000pro & 9000pro Exp board, has a better overall pleasing (unfatiguing) sound, especially in the mid & upper octaves: spacious & clean, with clarity & detail.
The 9000pro and 9000pro Expansion board provide a fuller sounding bass, but as a result the 'over all' sound seems a tad bit covered (muddy?), and the mid-upper octave notes (and chords) sound harsh, almost as if the notes were plucked, the 9000pro more so than the Expansion board.
For an 76 or 88 note solo piano playing situation, I'd probably choose the 9000pro expansion board for its rich full bass, but for 'piano' comping & soloing in arranger keyboard mode, I give the Tyros the edge.
1) Tyros, 2) Expansion Board, 3) 9000pro
- Scott
#93703 - 11/07/02 02:57 AM
Re: VOTE: Which Yamaha Arranger Piano Sounds BEST?
Registered: 08/16/00
Posts: 442
Loc: UK
I was surprised that the 9000 pro and the PLG expansion board have more bottom end depth to them than the Tyros, given the pro should be the same sound. I ensured that when recording the Tyros the output eq was flat and compressor was off. I have asked "the pro" to check this on the 9000 pro and if possible to resample them without his mixing desk in line (even though it was set to flat and no post fx). In my case I connected the tyros outputs direct to the pc soundcard without using the mixer. We both used the same soundcard, same sampling rates and same mp3 bit rates so there shouldnt be much other difference. Out of interest I felt the pro sounded best, the PLG board second and the Tyros third. The differences were marginal though and it was only the enhanced bass of the first two through my YST-MS50 speakers that tipped the scales for me. Regards Simon ------------------ ________________________ Simon G.K. Williams simon@svpworld.com Creative Music & Multimedia http://www.svpworld.com________________________
#93706 - 11/07/02 08:23 AM
Re: VOTE: Which Yamaha Arranger Piano Sounds BEST?
Senior Member
Registered: 02/23/01
Posts: 3849
Loc: Rome - Italy
My humble opinion: The 9000 pro has more depth and more bass, but it's the best also in the higher registers (hear the final notes). The expansion board has less bottom than the 9000 pro and sounds synthetic in the midrange and thin in the higher notes. The Tyros is the less natural of the three; with the other two you can at times fool yourself thinking that you are listening to a real piano; with the Tyros it is evident that it's not an acoustic instrument. Maybe due to this synthetic nature, it can be more "relaxing" than the others (the sound is overall mellower). However, while the excellent performance of our pianist masks their limits in the Moon River sample, when you listen to the C major walkup all three pianos show their pitfalls, but of course we all know that if a digital piano is already an acceptable compromise -compared with the real thing- an arranger piano is just a compromise.
So my vote is: 1) 9000 pro 2) 9000 pro exp 3) Tyros. Final consideration: from this test it's difficult to believe that the 9000 pro and the Tyros share the same piano multisample.
[This message has been edited by Dreamer (edited 11-07-2002).]
Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.
#93718 - 11/08/02 04:16 AM
Re: VOTE: Which Yamaha Arranger Piano Sounds BEST?
Registered: 08/16/00
Posts: 442
Loc: UK
Originally posted by tracknet: Great thing that evaluation of piano samples. And, for my ears, all of three sound well, but I prefer both 9000pro. I would ask Simon (or someone giving it to Simon) for putting the same mp3 piano samples from PSR2000 (and KN7000 and VA7 if possible). It will be the best way to compare not only between top Yammies. Yes I would be more than happy to do so, if any psr2000 and KN7000 owners can download the midifiles from my site and send me mp3's recorded from their machines. If there's any other sounds you would like also compared, send them in as mp3's so that I can upload a corresponding tyros version. Either use the midifiles on my site to create the mp3's or send me your own, as we need to make equivalent comparisons. Simon ------------------ ________________________ Simon G.K. Williams simon@svpworld.com Creative Music & Multimedia http://www.svpworld.com________________________
#93721 - 11/11/02 07:55 AM
Re: VOTE: Which Yamaha Arranger Piano Sounds BEST?
Senior Member
Registered: 07/09/02
Posts: 1087
Loc: Atlanta, Georgia
Finally, I got to check out the shoot-out and I'm ready to cast my vote. Incidently, at the link provided by Scott at the top of this thread, there is a new MP3 of the PSR2000's Grand Piano posted for comparison with the 9000 Pro, the PLG150-PF and the Tyros.
I stand by my liking of the PLG150-PF piano expansion card. I'm a big Kurzweil fan and the PLG150-PF is the only Yamaha piano emulation to come close to the warmth and richness of the K's in my opinion. The Yamahas in general tend to decay too quickly in the upper midrange for my taste, with the PLG150-PF having a more natural piano decay than others - some of which can sound very clipped. The overall sharp attack and quick decay makes most Yamahas good for rock 'n roll but bad for solo performance, both in electronic emulations and in the real thing.
As to the arrangers, I was highly impressed with the Tyros piano in comparison to the 9000 Pro and the exp. card. It was warmer than I expected and it sounded better than the native 9000 Pro IMHO (I've never liked the 9000 Pro's native piano sound). This was a pleasant surprise, but in actual use the Tyros could not produce the "Moon River" you hear in this comparison because of it's 61-note keyboard, (the demo was created on the 76-note 9000 Pro) so that has to be taken into consideration.
So my vote goes as follows, based solely on sound:
1. PLG150-PF 2. Tyros 3. 9000 Pro 4. PSR2000 (distant fourth)
As to other brands - I recently heard the Roland 5080 with the piano expansion card and it was superb (and I generally don't like Roland pianos). Korg makes a fine organ. But nobody can top Kurzweil still for electronic piano emulation IMHO and for serious 88-note keyboard performances that'll always be my first choice... too bad they can't make a decent arranger !
Jim Eshleman