Originally posted by Islander:
Hi, so if the list price is $4300.00, how much would it be for the final sale price please?
Johnny, depends on your negotiation skills and how much knowledge you have. To insure the BEST deal, you FIRST need to find out 'how much' the music store paid for the keyboard. If they're totally honest & upfront, they may actually tell you (if allowed). I'm fortunate to work with a music store manager who often does.
Anything above that price (after calculating in store product overhead & operating expenses, is profit for the store. The trick is to determine what the lowest 'profit margin' the store is willing to let the keyboard go for. Typically, newly released models afford less negotiation, as the higher the customer demand, the higher the price. When customer demand dwindles (ei last years model), and inventory takes up valuable space on the showroom floor, the dealer is more willing to drop the price.