Wait a second.
Hold on. Dont Plow that drive so fast. Lets back up a little.
Would it not make sense to first try doing a sysex data dump from the Korg into another piece of hardware that you know will accept it's sysex?
It's real easy to find another Korg owner to do it
You said:
I was messing with my system recently, for another reason, and for one night the Sysex dump worked. I had previously thougt the Korg was at fault. Now I know it is not.
If your conclusion is contingent upon one successful, or even an entire evening of data transfer, that's not good enough to say it works reliable. You have to look at it as your success rate with all attempts from the first point of failure up to now. Intermittent problems and keyboards go hand in hand.
My best advice would be to FIRST get some electronic circuit board cleaner and some moving switch oil. Bench the Korg and give it a good cleaning. Dont be suprised if you see the remnants of the coke that spilled that no one told you about. Between that, dust, animal hair, and any other suprises from previous owners that may exist, this could be the cause of the problem, plus the board gets the maintenance it may likely need on it's contacts. Your board circa by model should be on at least it's second maintenance interval by the minimum or more depending on it's frequency of use. If the unit successfully dumps into other gear regardless of the above maintenace; then you can start plowing your HDD on the 'puter. If it is at all possible, get rid of Win95A,B,OSR2, whichever, any of those opsys'es are pretty bunk. Really up there on the blue screen list. You should be running Win98SE at the very least. If it's a Pentium II or better, I would actually run XP Pro on it in 9X mode. There is a hard part to this though. You have to read about how to do it correctly so ALL of your programs WILL run. If it is the board like I think it is, don't feel alone. I've had a healthy share of intermittant problems like that. I know it can really get to ya.
I agree with -tek on the SB16. Providing it is in the proper enviorment settings, those cards are real diesels, although a bit gritty by nature for my tastes. I just hope it all works out for you man.