I claim every penny I make, and every penny I spend. You don't have to cheat to make money in this business, and the only time I was ever audited was by the state. They asked for detailed information on my expenses. I printed out all of my expense reports, placed them in a large, padded shipping envelope and mailed them via registered mail with a return reciept requested. Three months later, I recieved a post card saying thank you for your cooperation and no farther documentation is required. The document I mailed was 40 pages long and printed in 10-point font. I'm sure they looked carefully at every entry!
Since I have been self employed, which began in 1975, I have had but one goal in mind--to pay at least $1-million in income tax for a single year's income--that's will be one hell of a year!
As for the sub-chapter S corporation, in this state the filing fee is now $300 and will go up again this year. I'm not going to pay the state and feds any more than I have to in order to do business.
[This message has been edited by travlin'easy (edited 01-19-2004).]