Hi Jerry,
any reason you really think you need both??
After getting my kn7 , I found I was using my pro less & less ( I'm only a hobbyist, though). For what I was using it for, it was a great keyboard going to waste. I found that I could still have access to my psr styles using xg works, and I'll possibly get an xg sound module or soft synth so that I've got access xg sounds.
I'd been contemplating on selling my pro, but hadn't quite gotten round to advertising it.
In a bizzare turn of events, a young fellow wrote to me asking what I thought of my va7 in comparison to my pro ( he'd read some of my comments on the forum). Unbeleivably it turned out he lived just a few miles away, and 2 days later it was gone. ( I'm in Sydney Aust. so no use to you)
Talk about a small world.
I think Uncle Dave has tracked down a Pro, he's got a posting on the forum.
best wishes
best wishes
Rikki 🧸
Korg PA5X 88 note
Band in a Box 2022