Douglas! Welcome to finally making yourself known here on Synthzone. btw: I was just in Sacramento last month to attend my sister's wedding. I myself live in the SF Bay area.

I know there must be many other longtime Synthzone 'lurker' junkies out there too, so I'm hoping Douglas' decision to finally 'come out of the closet' will encourage others join in as well. Let yourselves be counted cuz no matter what arranger keyboard you play (or not), what level of experience you're at (amateur or pro), or what genre of music your interest is, we ALL have something to contribute to the Synthzone Arranger forum pot.
btw Douglas: I really enjoyed the humor of the Haiku Poetry you shared with us.

For those unfamiliar with Haiku, it's a form of poetry begun in Japan in the 17th century, which has become appreciated around the world in the 20th century. The English version of Haiku Poetry form:
1. Use no more than 17 syllables.
2. Arrange in lines of 5-7-5 syllables
3. Avoid using similes and metaphors
4. Strive for: lightness, simplicity