Originally posted by N9FAL:
Hello to all,
I had a chance to spend some extensive time last wk. on this K/B and in a nut shell, will confirm what has already been said by some.
I agree that we all use our boards in different ways, so our goals and expectations may differ. Like Scott, I play live. No midi files. I want to be able to sit down and play right away, no tweeking, minimal button pushing. My expectations are high quality sounds and styles.
The sounds were for the most part, FLAT. On OS 2, still too much reverberation on the voices. The salesman and I couldn't figure out how to adjust this. Compared to the PA1X, the voices did not have the clarity, the punch, the crispness. Some of the voices almost sounded muffled.
Specifically, the pianos/organs were excellent, the blown saxes were very good. Everything else needed tweeking for my style of play. I need to spend time on improving my music skills, not pushing buttons.
The styles in general left me uninspired. I kept on searching through the mix of choices in each catagory and couldn't find that inner-satisfaction feeling when playing. (I'm sure you know what I mean) I'm not saying it wasn't possible, it would take too much time to try and find it. Many of the styles were IMO over-processed, rough, busy. For example, the Bossa Novas. Several choices available, but nothing like the PA1X's guitar bossa. This style is simple and beautiful. (Those who know it, I'm sure know.) Less is more.
The 70 has alot to offer. Rich in features, like the new guitar mode (imatating a strumming guitar folk style)and others, but it has failed to CAPTIVATE me overall in what I look for and I left not begging for more.
I do alot of reading here, and felt I should at least give my honest opinion to the group on this topic.
You have made my day!
I now know that I am not alone in the world in my opinions of this machine.
I also now know that at least I am not going deaf......... ;-)