
I also amd on a very rigid "change your life habits around" diet, very much like South Beach but my wife has done some amazing things and thrown away most of the food containers in our home because of harmful ingredients found in them. Not sure what she's doing, but after about a month I've lost 20 lbs and still going strong. Exercise plays a big part, blood pressure is almost normal, blood sugar is almost spot on normal, and the amazing thing is after about a week, I don't miss eating the garbage I use to eat. Havn't been hungry so far. 6' 2.75" and weighed 248. This am weighed 226, target is 195, 31 to go but in no hurry I think I'll make it.

The singing better part I would guess is more room in your chest for lung expansion,( more air volume) by reducing the load capicity in you stomach you've gained more room.

Sounds like your on adkins, or sountbeach, adkins just didn't get the job done for me, loose weight but broke no habits so gain it right back. Southbeach is good, but when you get rid of a bunch of man made food ingredients added to it and get back to basic food, its terrific.

Glad your doing something to stay healthy. Keep up the good work......cheers...pose
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