The registration memory problems for me were just too much to overcome, and I had to make a decision whether to live with them the way they were until an OS upgrade was possible or go with the PA80 altogether. I never even got that far Scott, because mine was so buggy that the proper eq and effects settings would not always come up even after I set them properly when I would go to a registration. The frustrating thing was sometimes they would, and other times they would not, other times they were partially correct. And that would happen on the SAME registration memory. I would press it and never be quite sure what I was going to get. Even the Yamaha tech must have seen that it was wrong, because he told us that the board was irreperable without a new chip upgrade.

I just could not afford to wait any longer. It's hard enough trying to set up an act after not doing it for many years, and then encountering these kinds of problems. granted, the PA80 has its faults too, and sometimes it's harder to find the right style for a song, but at least once I do set thing up in the registrations (performances), they stay put and work flawlessly. So gone is the 2000, with a full refund it has been replaced by a Motif. The funny thing is, I had a version 1.1 PSR1000 on loan while I was deciding what to do, and everything I tried worked perfectly on it. maybe down the road, I'd like to have a PSR for the simplicity of the styles. If they ever get it right, I might eventually get another 2000, or another Yamaha arranger for the live act. As featureless as it was, the 740 I had would have worked better just for the auto accomp. I'm kinda sorry I got rid of it when I purchased the 2000.

Korg AJ