My test screen only comes up when I push the Db,F,Ab keys in the SECOND octave. I believe the correct numbers are Db2, etc. but not sure about that. I always thought that middle C is C4 and is the 3rd C from the lower side of the (61 note)keyboard. Who knows.
Anyway - I push the three note chord while powering up and the screen "freezes" until I release the chord. Then I hit the start button, and the version comes up in a NON moving screen.
The only way I've found to exit, is to power off again.
All this is a mute point though, because so far, the newer versions don't have definate improvements. There seems to be NO pattern for who's kb works well, and who's doesn't. Maybe too many of them were made on a Friday afternoon, or Monday morning....after a holiday weekend? Do "lemon laws" apply to Keyboards, or just cars?
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