Hi AJ,
I definitely sympathize with all the problems and frustrations you've had with the 2000. Except for the Registsration Problems I mentioned, I'm still pretty happy with the 2000 for live gigging. Having to REMEMBER to check all the button status setup details before beginning each song is just such a PAIN, and by the end of show, my brain can feel pretty fried. I really can't figure out how Yamaha overlooked including these basic functions/settings as part of the Registration Settings. As I mentioned earlier, I've had to stick on colored stars and dots next to key buttons to remind myself to run thru a check everytime I begin a song. In addition to using Registration Memory, I also play (similar to the way Uncle Dave does), pressing and selecting as I go. this is fine when performing in a casual piano bar/lounge venue, but doesn't work (at least for me) in a formal show when the audience pays for a show ticket & seat, and expects (and agreeably so) nothing less than a slick professional performance. The Technics keyboards provide full Registration Memory support, so if Yamaha cannot deliver, I'll be looking into the KN7000 or possibly the Ketron SD1. Unfortunately the PA80 is out the question (for me) because of it's limited chord recognition (no rootless jazz style chord recognition ). - Scott