Dnj ..... digging up OLD threads to generate NEW discussion.. GOOD JOB!!! . ...
I've played accordion, cordovox, keys, etc. and the only time I sat was when the primary kb was a Rhodes ... I always said that standing 'kept me on my toes' ... There have been times, however, when I used the 'tall stool' setting as previously discussed by Scott Yee ... Being a BIG 6'2", even at a lower height I looked like I was standing ... I just feel I have more of a presence and control while standing ... Of course, if it's just backgound dinner music, sitting is fine, and maybe even more appropriate ...
BUT, I have ANOTHER question ... I have never been happy with the 'look' of the kb sitting on the stand ( I use a 'quik-loc') ... I feel that something is missing,.... I've thought about attaching (with velcro?) a black 'skirt' aroung the bottom of the kb to hide the stand (and my legs behind that), or even using thin plywood (painted flat black) in front and perhaps on the sides ... As far as the plywood idea, I've thought of a front piece with the side pieces attached with small hinges, so that it would be one piece to carry, and would fold pretty flat ... But like many of you, I'm always thinking of trying to carry and set up less and less ...
Any thoughts? .....
t. cool