Wow Mosiqaar !!
Talk about speed. I am very impressed.
Thank you very much for your lighting fast and helpful answer.

Very interesting your point about the operating system.
If I got hold of a non Oriental Operating System (from Ketron website?), do you think it would be possible to load it on this keyboard (but saving the Oriental OS so that I can revert back to it?).

I have an 8 MB Flash card, so I guess that I should be able to save the Oriental Patterns to the Flash card and then use the Pattern Edit to avoid loading them as you suggest.

Thanks again.


Originally posted by Mosiqaar:
Hi Cosmic

Congrats on ur X1, I have one and I like it so far.

1)I think you have to do it on each registration of what settings u want

2)I am not sure the answer to this one, but I do want to mention that if you load the ORIETNAL OS many of those buttons will end up with different functions than what they say.

3)X1 does not have such a feature

4)You will have to save those oriental patterns to your hard disk, and once you do that you can go to PATTERN EDIT and delete them, this is the only way to not have them on load up. By the way, you can buy a PATTERN EXPANSION MEMORY that will allow you to have 200 patterns loaded at once. Apparently you do not have that, which means you will be allowed (depending on memory of each pattern) to load about 50 of them or so.

Hope this helps
