So why not practice pumpin' some iron?

It's difficult for me to believe that a healthy man, complains about having to lift 30 to 50 lbs. Why not take a look at ourselves and only then decide who's to blame. I'm almost 50 and I can lift more now then ever before. Or is it that I prefer to keep myself in shape?

And I find it extremely silly to complain about weight when there's "tons" of light gear out there. So get yourself a light keyboard and that's the end of the story.

I prefer a solidly built keyboard so that's what, if I like the voices and styles, I go for. And what if I can't find what I like out there? Well, I simply go for the next best solution. And do it all without complaining.

It's all too easy for me to agree with Mark. What's the big deal of him making his point. I agree with Chas as well. No matter how hard I try not too. Chas and Russ, the voices of reason.

As for what brand or model you play...I could care less. I judge the one playing it, not the brand or model.

Get in shape! Not an insult but a life saver. Sending a Richard Simmons tape would be an insult. Your loved ones willl love you more for it and you'll get to love them longer.JMHO

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