To be honest, Ian, I think the majority of keyboard staff in most stores other than major cities have as little clue about the intricacies of any of the major workstations, as they do arrangers...

And, short of an already knowledgeable arranger user, you don't really have to do much to impress most potential buyers than call up a few good styles and lead sounds, hold the chords down and play a nice melody, hit the fills, and a big ending, and the sale is made...! I honestly think for most store duffers, this is easier than trying to explain arpeggio mode in a Motif!

If they can't do this simple musical task, they probably can't demo a workstation any good, either. The trouble is, who does a store hire? The nerd who might actually be able to remember all the differences between OSs, or a salesman who has the skills to close the sale (but not the skills to demo the arranger)...? Both are just about as bad.

It is, just for the life of me, I can't understand why demoing a MotifXS is any easier than demoing an arranger...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!