Three years wasted, that is! For almost 3 years I put off the Bose because I never believed the improved sound would be adequate to warrent the cost. Also, the extra set-up and tear-down time had me concerned. I was wrong on both counts.

I picked up the system last night at GC, set it up in the living room, and spent all night setting up, connecting, and tweeking settings and pre-sets. Having a performance scheduled this afternoon, there was no way I was going without the Bose. I arrived an extra half hour early since I wasn't sure if I knew what I was doing. As it turned out, set-up time was only an added 10 minutes, and I'm sure that after awhile it'll be only half that, at best. All went well with many compliments on the sound.

What I like most about the PAS/L1, it makes me sound lots better than I really am!

Bottom line, all the accolades we've been hearing on the Bose are warrented. And what a rush it is to be hearing that sound as you're performing. Thanks Gary, Eddie, and Don for helping me get a fast track on this thing.
