As they say at McDonald's..."I'm lovin' it."

After clicking on the site DNJ posted of "reviews" of the Bose L1, not one of the posters on the first page ever owned one. They just like to trash the concept (as they perceive it), the price, or Bose in general.

The stereo vs. mono discussions will go on ad nauseum. All I can tell you is I never had such rave reviews on the system from the folks that really matter: the audiences and people who hire me.

As for cost, the Bose L1 cost only a fraction of the total I have spent on other conventional systems over the years.

Am I predjudiced because I own it? Probably.
Do I want to see all musicians and entertainers get one? Absolutely not!

But, it does bother me to hear negative reviews from people who have never used one or taken the time to learn how to use it correctly. It's kinda like watching those political ads. Everyone says they hate negative ads...but statistics show they work.

Bottom line: Don't buy a Bose L1. It will raise your taxes and cut Social Security.
