Originally posted by keysvocalssax:
I can read music but play sax by ear. I can play in any key without thinking for one second about transposition.
I can play single notes in the right hand on kb in any key without thinking for one second about transposition. since i am trained as a single-note player, I cannot play the chord voicings without thinking about transposition.
So i'm not knocking the traditional wisdom, I'm just not buying into it lock, stock, and barrel as some others. There were no transpose buttons back in the day. The rules keep changing. It's what comes out that counts. I couldn't care less if somebody "fools" me playing a
difficult passage by transposing to an easier-fingering
key. Music is not a merit system for technical prowess.
Diki, i don't want to start a feud here, but again you choose to ignore the essential points of others' arguments, and to sidestep and tapdance to promote the notions you began with. you fail to address the points with accuracy others are making and that is what is offensive, not the fact you may disagree.

Well, to me that first post of yours does exactly the same. Or is it just me?

Firstly, my post is in reply to mikeathome's post (not yours), perhaps we might wait to see if HE is as offended as you that I might have a contrary position to what you obviously consider the IMPORTANT one (yours!)....

Secondly, as you know if you have already read my previous posts, I have no problem with anyone doing whatever the heck they feel like, in fact, I posted that I use the transpose button myself occasionally! You may be confusing me with the 'purists' on this thread that eschew transposition for ANY reason....

But to PROMOTE the idea, over more traditional paths to musical fluency is, IMO, not in the best interest of anyone that WANTS to learn and grow, You have very particular talents and requirements, and come from a very specific musical place and background (that few others here share). And are very comfortable there. To which I say 'No worries, do your own thing!'. You want to play everything in C (or F#!), go ahead, it's no skin off my nose...

BUT, despite that, claim that you CAN 'play in any key without thinking for one second about transposition', the very thing this topic got started about by people who couldn't (or didn't want to). So who's side-stepping the issue here?

Many on this thread posted that they have NO skills at all in many keys. You are FAR beyond that, claiming fluency in any key for single notes, and acceptable chord skills too (otherwise you couldn't play many songs with out of key sections). So who is ignoring who?

Look, maybe if you don't WANT a feud, you might also (as I try to do) not attack the poster for a contrary opinion, just try to state yours in a clearer way (which you have). After all, what is the point of this thread? If it just to say 'I do it THIS way, and that's all that matters', fair enough. But to say to others that this is a good path to being a better musician is not doing them a service. It IS one path towards better playing, but at the cost of what MANY (including myself) on this thread feel to be a necessary skill.

Or are we ALL wrong (or ignoring your points)?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!