Untill will come available this all updates..you have the totally freedom to criticize the MS but please..try to find VALID arguments and not stuff like the weight...
"Freedom mean that you still are FREE to buy the keyboard that you much like, we will NOT force anynoe to buy the MS if you are not interested.
We don't need to contine posting new audio+video demos to convince you there when you are not interested.
We have to give you more balanced styles, this we know and for sure you will receive it soon and ALWAYS for FREE"

You just dont get it Dom do you. The comments here are from people interested in buying the MS but they simply want to ensure the instrument is ready for their needs. It blatantly is not right now.After which update in the future will it be ???

Abacus a few weeks ago posted a demo of a cloned T2 style and it was amazing. Abacus is not trying to sell wersi keyboards for them, (although he i doing a darned good job of it )he has no vested interest in wersi sales but he has listened to the feedback on this forum and literally closed the deal for wersi (as far as i am concerned) simply by providing what we as musicians want.Good styles well balanced and great sounds using an "open system".He has shown not just what the instrument might possibly do in the future but its capabilities now. If you cant take the positive and very sensible feed back from this forum to improve your product then i wish you the best of luck with your oriental sales because clearly you are struggling here.
dont quit.......period